Jumat, 27 September 2019




Awalnya saya mengetahui kampus ini dari Ayah saya, dia merekomendasikan saya untuk kuliah di ITL Trisakti, akhirnya saya mulailah mencoba main ke kampus tersebut untuk menanyakan informasi mengenai jurusan apa saja yang ada disana, dan berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan, setelah saya memgetahui nya, saya pun menjadi tertarik untuk berkuliah dikampus ini, lalu alasan kedua Saya memilih kampus ITL TRISAKTI karena kampus yang menyediakan jurusan Transportasi dan logistik masih sangat jarang, dan pada saat ini BidangTransportasi sedang ramai di perbincangkan, alasan kedua saya memilih kampus ITL TRISAKTI karena kampus TRISAKTI sudah cukup terkenal Akreditasi nya yang mana sangat baik dan cukup terkenal dikalangan masyarakat, dan banyak lulusan Mahasiswa Trisakti yang Menjadi Pengusaha sukses, sehingga saya semakin tertarik untuk kuliah di kampus ini.



Baru sedikit orang yang tahu tentang jurusan logistik, Tetapi sudah banyak juga orang yang mengetahui jurusan ini,Saya memilih jurusan D3 MLM karena Logistik sangat di  butuhkan dimana-mana tidak hanya di pelabuhan, tetapi di institusi- institusi lain juga sangat diperlukan sekali. Ditambah lagi lulusan jurusan Logistik masih sedikit, dilihat dari perguruan tinggi yang menyediakan jurusan logistik di Perguruan tinggi tersebut masih sangat jarang, dipastikan sangat kurang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan SDM logistik, saat ini lebih banyak lowongan kerja untuk lulusan jurusan logistik yang tersedia namun tidak cukup kandidat untuk mengisinya, dan ini artinya adalah seharusnya relatif lebih mudah bagi para lulusan logistik untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Jadi kesimpulannya alasan saya memilih jurusan D3 MLM karena jurusan Logistik masih jarang di Indonesia melihat hal ini Bidang Logistik adalah salah satu Bidang dari ratusan Bidang lainnya yang masih kurang peminatnya namun banyak sekali peluang kerjanya.



Setelah lulus dari Kampus ITL TRISAKTI saya ingin bekerja di Perusahaan Logistik ternama sepertI DHL ataupun di Pelabuhan yaitu seperti di Pelindo, dan harapan saya setelah memiliki pengalaman bekerja di perushaan-perushaan logistik tersebut, saya bisa menyerap dan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang saya dapatkan selama saya bekerja dengan menciptakan suatu perusahaan saya sendiri dibidang logistik tentunya dan menjadi Pengusaha sukses dibidang Logistik.



Pengalaman saya berorganisasi selama berada di kampus ITL Trisakti saya pernah mengikuti UKM Hotlens Photography Club saya aktif mengikuti UKM tersebut dari saya semester 3 sampai semester 4, banyak sekali ilmu yang saya dapatkan dari organisasi tersebut, bukan hanya tentang ilmu teknik cara memgambil foto yg baik saja atau bukan hanya sekedar ilmu tentang Photography namun saya banyak mendapatkan ilmu bagaimana cara bertanggung jawab atas tugas yang sudah di berikan kepada saya dengan sebaik mungkin, bagaimana kita memanage waktu sebaik mungkin agar semua berjalan sesuai yang ditetapkan diawal, melatih mental saya ketika saya harus berhadapan dengan orang-orang yang tegas yang terkadang terlihat galak, dan melatih saya untuk berani mengutarakan pendapat yang dimana saya sebenarnya kurang berani untuk “pede” di depan umum. Dan dengan mengikuti organisasi ini saya juga banyak mengunjungi berbagai tempat untuk memotret berbagi hal di tempat-tempat saya saya kunjungi itu, sangat menyenangkan sayabisa memiliki pengalaman berorganisasi di UKM Hotlens ini karna disamping mengikuti organisasi saya juga bisa dibilang refreshing karena sering jalan-jalan bersama teman- teman yang lainnya, namun di semester 5 ini saya memilih untuk lebih fokus dulu dengan kuliah saya karena sudah mulai sibuk untuk pemadatan.

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018



Disposal Logistics means the handling of scrap, waste and refuse to prevent environmental pollution and waste of resources.Most of the production waste can be reused or recycled.

There are 3 tasks of disposal management are environmental management,  waste management ,recycling management.

Disposal logistics has to dispose all waste from different enterprise processes and has to ensure that the waste is handled and stored safely.Different types of waste must be stored separately. Only by separating the waste is a recycling and reuse of the material possible.

For Example of Disposal Logistics, there are some types of waste: 
  • packing material like plastic film and cardboard,
  • empty yarn reels and fabric coils,
  • scrap from fabric cutting,
  • lubricating oil,
  • broken machinery parts.
Avoidance of Generating Refuse

The easiest way to avoid refuse is to minimize all kinds of packaging or to use re-useable cargo transport packaging like pallets or coils. Along the supply chain, we have to discuss with our suppliers and our customers possibilities of developing the environmentally friendliest packaging.It is important to note that these problems have to be dicussed early and have to be fixed in the contract.

Waste Disposal    
The waste or scrap which can not be reused or recycled has to be disposed of. This is where the sorting of waste according to the way of disposal is very important.

We have to distinguish between:

  • harmless and hazardous waste.
The harmless waste can be disposed of on the waste disposal site. For the hazardous waste, we have to look for the right way of disposal which is mandated by law.


waste are items we don't need anymore and we discard.waste comes in infinite sizes. there are many different types of waste.

Waste Management

There are various methods of waste disposal

The various methods of waste disposal such as source reduction and reuse,animal feeding,recycling,composting,fermentation,landfills,incineration,andland application.

·        landfills
This process of waste disposal focuses attention on burying the waste in the land. landfills are commonly found in developing countries. it is true this is the most popular form of waste disposal

·        incineration
Incineration or combustion is a type disposal method in which municipal solid wastes are burned at high temperatures so as as to convert them into residue and gaseous products

·        recovery
resource recovery is the process of taking useful discarded items for a specific next use.

recycling is the process of converting waste product into new product to prevent energy usage and consumption of fresh raw materials. recycling is the third component of reduce, reuse, recycle waste hierarchy. the idea behide recycling is to reduce energy usage,reduce volume of landfills,reduce air and water pollution,reduce greenhouse gas emissons and preserve natural resources for future use.


So waste from logistics activities can also generate money, from this waste we can also create a particular product, for example is to use the way of recycling, reuse of goods that have been discarded. therefore with this method is what makes a product that has been disposed of or called waste can also be useful and can be used as a business opportunity and certainly make a lot of money.

The Experience of CeMat International Exhibition of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Summary of the experience of visiting the CeMat exhibition

After I attended CeMat's exhibition at Bsd I gained a lot of new knowledge about the activities and science of logistics and supply chain management.

when I entered the CeMat exhibition yesterday, I saw many different stands and stands of logistics companies. for example I saw stand DHL company, PT. Berca Mandiri Perkasa, PT. Tradecorp Indonesia, LiuGong company then I also went to the Indonesian Logistics Association stand, then I saw the Sembada Pratama stand, then came to the Customs booth, then I also saw the stand of ITL trisakti, Stimlog, and so forth.
When I was there I knew more and more about how and how the logistics and supply chain management processes for each company.

when I around some of the 
stand in the exhibition I saw a lot of equipment and transportation that support of logistics activities and supply chain management , its example I saw the types of Forklifts, Pallets, Universal Robot in DHL company, Truck, and also the Types of Container directly. Which of course I have never seen firsthand some of these tools and transportation.

when I went to the exhibition booth there, I and my friends were a lot of questions about the logistics activities at the booth we went to the company. Examples are:

1)     DHL Company

DHL is present in more than 220 countries and regions around the world, thus becoming the most international company in the world.
DHL is part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, the world's leading post and logistics company. DHL includes DHL Express units, DHL Parcel,DHL eCommerce, DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Freight and DHL Supply Chain.

2)     PT. Berca Mandiri Perkasa

PT. Berca Indonesia was founded in 1971 aa a subsidiary of Central Cipta Murdaya (CCM) holding company and its operations are Trading and contracting Company. Over the last three decades,  BERCA has received an enviable reputation for a great loyalty to its principles,  and providing exellent services to its customers.

The quality products represented by PT. BERCA MANDIRI PERKASA are from world renowed manufactures. This company focuses on major business such as Mechanical & Electrical Contracting and Trading such as heavy equipment and generating sets.

3)     PT.  tradecorp Indonesia

This company provide many cold storage solutions, sales and rental options,  and then this company have Best Price and Best Quality.
Cold storage that provide in this company are Super Freezers, Blast Freezers,Cold Storage Complex,  DNV Refrigerated Containers.

4)     LiuGong

LiuGong, officially Guangxi LiuGong Machinery Co., Ltd., is a Chinesemultinational construction machinery manufacturing company headquartered inLiuzhou, China. It is the world's 10th-largest construction equipment manufacturer by market share and the world's largest manufacturer of wheel loaders.

Products LiuGong company are Road machinery,Mining equipment,Industrial machinery,Concrete Machinery,Port machinery, Coal mining machinery, Pile driving machinery.

5)     Sembada Pratama

Sembada Pratama is the first. business oriented supply chain and logistics school in indonesia. Sembada Pratama, established since 2010, is an educational institution specialized for profesional, carrying apart of vision apart of vision and mission of Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia (ALI) , to enhance quality of indonesia human resources in supply chain and logistic towards competitive local and global business.

6)     Spectrum Group

     Established in the year 2000, SPECTRUM GROUP has earned a reputation in industry for providing high-quality products.  This has allowed us to expand the business to commercial, industrial, and retail sectors.  Now,  SPECTRUM GROUP is the trusted provider for many local, as well as international companies.

That is a brief explanation from me about some companies that I visited at the exhibition yesterday. Then after I finished seeing the exhibition stand that was there, in the afternoon I was with my friends to buy food and look for praying maghrib, then after that  we take pictures together. finally we went home because the day is getting night.

When I visited the CeMat exhibition I also saw a lot of antiques on display, among them are old money and old dollar dollars, cigarettes of antiquity, and other antiques.

From this exhibition  I hope the new insight that I get there can be my provision to work in the future later, and I think to make this science as my logistics business in the future.Then from the exhibition I hope I can have a retail company because I feel interested in the way the process works, because I want to be a businessman in the field of logistics of course.And from the knowledge I got from the exhibition I can handle the step-by-step process of logistics activities that are effective and efficient to my company in the future.

Then of course process by process from the starting point to the end point of logistics activities in my company can have a good quality, which of course according to the procedure and have a reliable technology.Then the appropriate and I make my business is "safety is number one" in order to achieve smoothness in business. then certainly continue to develop new innovations for the betterment of my business in the future.

Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

Summary Effect of Oil and Gas Distribution in SCM Process

Summary Effect of Oil and Gas Distribution in SCM Process
By Muhammad Ibnu Fajar

when discussing the oil and gas industry, it involves upstream and downstream industries. regulation of oil and gas BPH, has legislation function. It is developed by downstream industry entrepreneurs. when discussing about fuel oil, then this relates to 2 things namely product cost and logistics cost.

There are several types of fuel oil, for example:
- certain fuel oil         :    types of subsidized fuels such as solar    subsidies, and kerosene, etc). 
- General Fuel Type    : This type of non-subsidized fuel type such as gasoline, bio diesel, pertalite, pertamax, pertamina dex, and so on.

Regarding the price of fuel oil, its policy maker is the government which applies the price of fuel oil

There are 2 distribution activities on oil:
1)   primary distribution:
·        not influenced by national economic conditions, because we are importing. so the transportation is set by the Singapore people.
·        controlling the primary distribution is not too difficult.

2)  Secondary distribution
·        Difficult to organize and monitor.

Indonesia need to add gas stations 7 times. primary energy -> still fossil industry.

Function Of BPH Migas :

supervise the implementation of the provision and distribution of Fuel Oil and Gas Transportation through Pipes, in a regulation so that the availability and distribution of Fuel Oil set by the Government can be guaranteed throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and increase the utilization of domestic natural gas.

There are 6 tasks of Oil and Gas BPH:
1)   Manage and determine the availability of fuel distribution.
2)  Regulate and establish national fuel reserves.
3)  Regulate and establish the joint use of    transport and storage facilities.
4)  Regulate and set the tariff for transporting  natural gas through pipelines.
5)  Regulate and set the price of natural gas for  households and small business.
6)  Regulating and establishing natural gas transmission and distribution business

Our operating reserves are 22 days. the entire amount of fuel owned by the entrepreneur is for sale.
Our national fuel reserves are zero (0). the national fuel reserve is 1.3 trillion (expensive).
Oil and gas BPH auction gas pipeline. it turns out the source of our natural gas population gathered in 1 place.
in determining tariffs, when we auction fuel tariffs, BPH will establish and issue tariff tolls. the toll fee we set based on the investment analysis.

The role of BPH Migas

Regulatory Body: Make the rules of the game healthy, reasonable and transparent
Supervisory Body: Overseeing the implementation of downstream oil and gas business activities
Dispute Resolution Body: Resolve disputes arising in business activities.

Downstream business activities of oil and gas

Fuel consumption = Stock—Last Stock – Export.

Distributor of fuel

BPH Migas issued UU NO. 22 of 2001, PP NO. 36 of 2004 and PERPRES NO. 191 in 2014
That distribution of fuel is sent by the transporter to the BBM Distributor one 3T (Remote, Outgoing and Outermost) and to the Standard Distributor.

 Sub distributor of fuel

Authority and Responsibility:
v Downstream Regulatory 3 for Oil and Gas.
-Supervision of appointment of Sub-dealer.
-Monitoring and evaluation activities of Sub-Distributors.
-Making a plan
-verify, designate and sub-channeling activities.

v Business entity (PT Pertamina / PT AKR CORP).
-provide suggestions for planning.

v Sub-dealer
Reporting on its activities to the local government.

Fuel pricing in Indonesia

Government Regulation no. 30 of 2009 on Amendment to Government Regulation no. 36 of 2004 on Oil and Gas Downstream Business Activities.
Article 72 of Government Regulation no. 30 Year 2009
(Fuel and Gas Fuel Prices are regulated and / or stipulated by the Government)   

v The things that affect the selling price of fuel include:
a)   Frequency distribution of fuel
b)  Access and means of distribution of fuel
c)   Fuel availability

v Effectiveness and efficiency in the supply chain of fuel distribution greatly affects the selling price of fuel.

v Required a healthy market and compete so that consumers get fuel prices


1. MENGAPA MEMILIH KAMPUS ITL TRISAKTI? JAWAB : Awalnya saya mengetahui kampus ini dari Ayah saya, dia merekomendasikan saya untuk kuli...